Unicamp Diretoria Acadêmica

AD160 - Gestão em Ambientes Complexos - 1S/2019 Imprimir


Informações da disciplina


Proporcionar uma visão complexa da realidade organizacional. História e desenvolvimento do campo especializado, principalmente com base na teoria sistêmica. Liderança em ambientes complexos. Mudança organizacional. Sensemaking. Aprendizagem e Inovação.


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ALLEN, P., MAGUIRE, S., MCKELVEY, B. The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management. London: Sage, 2011. 
ASHBY, W.R. An Introduction to Cybernetics. London: Chapman and Hall, 1956.
BOYATZIS, R. Leadership development from a complexity perspective. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008, Vol. 60, No. 4, 298–313
CHIA, R.  A ‘rhizomic’ model of organizational change and transformation: Perspective from a meta-physics of change. British Journal of Management, 10, 209–227, 1999.
DILLON, M. Poststructuralism, complexity and poetics. Theory, Culture & Society, 17,1–26, 2000.
DOOLEY, K.J., VAN DE VEN, A.H. Explaining complex organizational dynamics. Organization Science, 10, 358–372, 1999.
FELDMAN, M. Organizational routines as a source of continuous change. Organization Science, 11, 611–629, 2000.
MARCH, J.G. Explorations in organizations. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books, 2008.
MORIN, E. On complexity. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2008.
McKELVEY, B. Complexity leadership: the secrets of Jach Welch´s success. Intern. Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, v.1, n.1, 2010. 
NAVARRO-CID, J. Gestion de organizaciones: gestion del caos. DO 14. Universidad de Barcelona, 2000. 
PRIGOGINE, I. As leis do caos.  São Paulo: Editora da Unesp, 2000. 
ROWE, A., HOGARTH, A. Use of complex adaptive systems metaphor to achieve professional and organizational change. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51(4): 396–405, 2005.
ROWLAND, G. Designing with: A homeopoietic ethic for organizational change. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 21(3): 219–227, 2004.
TSOUKAS, H. Complex knowledge. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2005.
TSOUKAS, H., CHIA, R. On organizational becoming: Rethinking organizational change. Organization Science, 13, 567–582, 2002.
VESTERBY, V.  Measuring complexity: Things that go wrong and how to get it right. E:CO , 10(2): 90–102, 2008.
WEBB, C., LETTICE, F., LEMON, M. Facilitating learning and innovation in organizations using complexity science principles. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 8(1): 30–41, 2006.
WEICK, K.E. The social psychology of organizing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1979.
ZIMMERMAN, B. Complexity science: A route through hard times and uncertainty. Health Forum Journal, 42(2): 42–46, 1999.

Ano de Catálogo: 2019

Créditos: 4

Turma: A Vagas: 40

Número de alunos matriculados: 11

Tipo Oferecimento: Regular

Local Oferecimento:


  • Segunda 14:00 - 18:00 UL90


  • Cristiano Morini


Não possui reservas.


Hora Segunda Terça Quarta Quinta Sexta Sábado
14:00 A - UL90
15:00 A - UL90
16:00 A - UL90
17:00 A - UL90
