Unicamp Diretoria Acadêmica

RI040 - Instituições Norte-Americanas - 1S/2018 Imprimir


Informações da disciplina


Estudar o sistema de instituições norte-americanas com foco em seus principais agentes públicos e privados, a partir das raízes estruturais e valorativas dos Estados Unidos. Capacitar os alunos ao estudo das principais dinâmicas relacionadas aos processos de formulação de políticas e tomada de decisão norte-americanas, tanto no que se refere à análise de questões internacionais quanto às domésticas. CONTEÚDO BÁSICO Política Interna e Externa: Os Dilemas da Análise e Compreensão; A Revolução Americana: Dos Federalistas à Constituição (1776/1787); As Tradições da Política Interna e Externa: Imaginário e Prática (1789/1918); A Evolução Hegemônica e a Guerra Fria (1919/1950); A Presidência; Estratégicas; As Agências Econômicas; Os Partidos; O Legislativo; Os Grupos de Interesse e os Think Tanks; O 11 de Setembro de 2001 e a Agenda Neoconservadora (2001/2008); O Século XXI e a Era Obama (2009/2016); Estudos de Caso de Política Externa e Interna.


ABELSON, Donald E. “What were they thinking? Think tanks, the Bush presidency and US foreign policy” in PARMAR, Inderjeet, MILLER, Linda B and LEDWIDGE, Mark. New directions in US Foreign Policy. New York: Routledge, 2009. p. 92-105.

CARLSNAES, Walter. “Actors, structures and foreign policy analysis” in SMITH, Steve, HADFIELD, Amelia, DUNNE, Tim (Ed), Foreign Policy- Theories, Actors, Cases. Oxford: OUP, 2nd ed, 2012. p. 113-129.

CARTER, Ralph G. and SCOTT, James M. “Striking a balance: Congress and US Foreign Policy” in HOOK, James M. and SCOTT, Steven W. American renewal? Washington: CQ Press, 2012. 36-53 Constituição dos Estados Unidos da América.  http://www.direitoshumanos.usp.br/index.php/Documentos-anteriores-%C3%A0-cria%C3%A7%C3%A3o-da-Sociedade-das-Na%C3%A7%C3%B5es-at%C3%A9-1919/constituicao-dos-estados-unidos-da-america-1787.html

HERMANN, Margaret G. “The study of American foreign policy” in HOOK, Steve W. and JONES, Christopher (ed). Routledge Handbook of American Foreign Policy. New York: Routledge, 2012.

HUDSON, Valerie M. “The history and evolution of foreign policy analysis” in SMITH, Steve, HADFIELD, Amelia, DUNNE, Tim (Ed), Foreign Policy- Theories, Actors, Cases. Oxford: OUP, 2nd ed, 2012. p. 13-34.

IKENBERRY, G. John. “The rise of the American System” in IKENBERRY, G. John. Liberal Leviathan. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011. p. 159-219.

KHONG, Yuen Foong. “Neoconservantism and the domestic sources of US foreign policy: the role of ideas in Operation Iraqi Freedom” in SMITH, Steve, HADFIELD, Amelia, DUNNE, Tim (Ed), Foreign Policy- Theories, Actors, Cases. Oxford: OUP, 2nd ed, 2012. p.308-326.

KUPCHAN, Charles A. and TRUBOWITZ, Peter L. “Dead center- the demise of liberal internationalism in the United States”. International Security, 32 (2) Fall 2007. p. 7-44.

LEFFLER, Melvyn P. “The American conception of National Security and the beginnings of the Cold War, 1945-1948” in IKENBERRY, G. John. American foreign policy- theoretical essays. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2nd ed. 1996. p. 141-167.

MAISEL, L. Sandy, “Party organizations: what do they look like? What do they do?” e “Who are Republicans? Who are Democrats? Who are others?” in MAISEL, L. Sandy. American political parties and elections- a very short introduction. Oxford: OUP. 2007 Trechos selecionados do Federalista- 1, 2, 9, 10, 15, 23, 41, 51, ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “The politics of US Foreign Policy” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 3-13.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “Historical context and the future of US global power” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 15-27.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “Presidential power and leadership” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 56-92.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “The Bureaucracy, Presidential Management and the National Security Council” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 93-126.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “Understanding Bureaucracy: The State Department at Home and Abroad” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 127-157.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “The Military Establishment” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 159-193.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “Foreign Economics and the NEC” in ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Boston: Wadsworth, 5th ed. 2011. p. 231-257.

ROSATI, Jerel and SCOTT, James M. “Congress and int

Ano de Catálogo: 2018

Créditos: 4

Turma: A Vagas: 30

Número de alunos matriculados: 2

Tipo Oferecimento: Regular

Local Oferecimento:


  • Quinta 09:00 - 13:00


  • Andrei Koerner


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